Art Direction / Brand Identity Design / Creative Direction / Graphic Design / Prop Styling / Set Design / and...
Our very own Baltimore based prop / surface rental house and studio space with a kitchenette geared for still life, tabletop and medium sized projects. Prop Up Shop rentals are available To-Go, To-Stay and By Delivery. Clients include branding agencies, publications, restaurant groups, photographers, stylists & small businesses to name a few.
“Curiosity is by far our our favorite ingredient; so we stir it in with gusto for each of the bespoke designs and visuals we create for our clients.”
Sip On This…
An evolving hub for stylist resources & education as well as Giulietta’s personal journey in life as a business owner & advocate within the photo styling industry…the good, the not so good and all the crazy in-betweens.
Most people have never heard of “photo” or “prop styling,” …It’s an obscure profession, to say the least. But despite how niche and narrow a field it may seem, photo styling has as many specialties, sub-categories, and titles as there are genres of photography. And many stylists do pick a lane (or two) and specialize.